Manage your business trips securely

Easily ensure the safety of your travelers
Travel with peace of mind thanks to our various insurances
Configure all your options for an effective TRM
Make the right decisions thanks to an accurate risk assessment

Insurance for business trips, Travel Risk Management of business trips, and advance risk management ... Supertripper takes care of the safety of business travelers.

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The world of business travel has been turned upside down by the pandemic. These events have shown that companies need to be ready to manage the business travel risks, security issues and increased regulations affecting their travellers.

Use our tools business travel management to optimize your travel program and watch over your business travelers.

Today more than ever, it is important to have a professional and experienced travel agency ready to meet these new challenges.

Business travel and risk management: how to organize?

Businesses have to deal with constant changes.
This is where our professional travel expert dimension takes on its full meaning:

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Receive the latest
travel info

On our blog and via our travel advisors, we provide you with recommendations and answer your questions to help you plan your future business trips.
We are always at your side so that you can anticipate your next business trips in complete safety.
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Take advantage of in-depth expertise
business trip

Our advisors regularly share supplier updates and industry trends with you.
Make informed decisions more easily to ensure comprehensive support for your travelers and adjust your travel plan as needed.
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Reassure your travelers and reduce
the risks for your business

Supertripper helps you implement a new approach to traveler risk management. Refine your travel policies with the help of our business travel experts.
Our professional travel management solution is flexible and adapts to your company's travel strategy as well as to a crisis situation, whatever the nature.
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Start your transition
with total peace of mind

At Supertripper, we understand that speed and flexibility in your change of professional travel agency are the keys to success.
We've done everything we can to create a smooth and easy transition process by supporting you from day one of our collaboration. A simple and smooth transition.

Duty of Care: business travel and professional travel

In the event of an unforeseen situation, the safety and security of your business travelers is the # 1 priority. As a business owner, being able to locate them and communicate with them is part of your duty of care. To avoid this type of emergency as much as possible, it is essential to establish solid rules in order to minimize the risks.

Supertripper provides your team with real-time reports, tools to define travel policies and settings to reduce traveler risk, all from our platform:

  • The location of any traveler via real-time visibility
  • Access to regularly updated information for sensitive destinations
  • The integration of business travel insurance on an international scale

Thus, we have the necessary tools to ensure the safety of your employees, to guarantee compliance with your duty of care, for you and your teams.

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Basé sur 274 avis
27 July 2022

Cette plateforme gère tous nos déplacements, au top !!

Très peu d’attente, le service client est rapide et de très bon conseil !

Chloe Bouteille
27 July 2022

Cela permet de gérer mes déplacement beaucoup plus facilement j’adore !

Romain Antunez
19 July 2022

La façon dont Supertripper à révolutionné la manière dont j'organise mes voyages est bluffante ! Je recommande vivement cette entreprise pour leur réactivité et leur côté humain !

Kaïs Ouasli
27 July 2022

Très bon service et superbe application que je recommande vivement!

Ons Khalfet
27 July 2022

Application super utile👌 bonne continuation!

Agence de qualité équipe très sympathique

laura ohana
23 July 2022

Un service client et une account manager très professionnels et réactifs

Advice from professional travel experts
to guarantee the safety of your travelers

One of the main missions of our business travel advisers is to provide you with essential communications to ensure the safety of your travelers. In today’s uncertain world, they represent a trusted source of information and expertise that you cannot live without.

All of our travel agents are proactive and have many years of experience
in the business tourism sector. They are available at any time:

service client 24 7 voyage affaires

Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

sav telephone voyage affaires

You can reach them by phone, wherever you are in the world

sav chat voyage affaires

They answer you in less than 2 minutes on the chat, during the day

sav mail voyage affaires

They treat emails with the utmost care (95% satisfaction rate)

assurance tout risque voyage affaires 1

SuperCare: the insurance that covers all your business trips

Discover SuperCare, the fruit of a synergy between expertise and passion, designed for those seeking excellence inbusiness travel insurance.

SuperCare is the ultimate guarantee for managing and carrying out business trips with complete peace of mind. This travel insurance designed for companies concerned with the well-being of their teams is perfectly suited to your needs. Part of your duty of care, SuperCare allows you to insure your employees abroad in the event of illness, medical costs, natural disasters, material damage, attacks ... In short, insurance specially built for business trips to cover you for all types of unforeseen situations.

With SuperCare, you can rest assured: our unique, tailor-made comprehensive insurance is your shield against the unexpected on business trips.

Discover Supertripper

SuperFlex: cancellation insurance that covers your
and gives you back your serenity

Discover the first business travel cancellation option for all your travel needs. SuperFlex insurance makes all your reservations (plane tickets, hotel rooms, etc.) refundable up to 48 hours before departure time.

The benefits of SuperFlex :

Generous: SuperFlex cancels your reservations in just a few clicks. You're guaranteed never to lose money.

Arranging: Superflex is the cheapest way to modify or change your plane ticket for a business trip.

Innovative: SuperFlex is a unique option for cancelling tickets and reservations in the business travel sector. It only exists at Supertripper, nowhere else.

Customer testimonial: "Our schedules are often subject to change. With the current economic situation, and especially since the pandemic, it's sometimes difficult to ensure a business trip. So we had to find a solution to reduce these modification costs. SuperFlex travel insurance changes our lives!"
Françoise B. - Travel manager

Discover Supertripper

FAQ: Risk management and business travel

Manage your business travel safely requires the right tools to ensure the safety of its travelers. Having comprehensive insurance and up-to-date information is essential to limit risks during business trips and leave with peace of mind.

The legal obligation of companies is to take adequate measures to ensure the safety of employees and protect their physical and mental health. This is the duty of care. Better known as the “duty of care”, it is defined by article L.4121-1 of the French Labour Code.

Travel risk management in business travel (Risk Management is the process of identifying and assessing the risks faced by business travelers during business trips. It also includes preparing for these risks by having a plan of action in case of a problem.

The Supertripper business travel agency offers two insurance policies dedicated to business travel:

  • SuperCare, Supertripper’s ultra-complete comprehensive insurance package
  • SuperFlex, free cancellation insurance for bookings up to 48 hours before departure time

Supertripper’s business travel insurance is called SuperCare. It is a multi-risk insurance that protects employees on the road in any situation. It covers medical expenses, repatriation in case of death, theft of personal belongings, etc.

Supertripper’s reservation cancellation insurance is called SuperFlex. It allows business travelers to cancel a ticket or hotel night, free of charge, up to 48 hours before departure. To do this, simply add the option when making a reservation.

Business travel risk management

The new generation business travel agency

gestion deplacements professionnels