gestion note frais

The digital solution that eliminates travel expense notes and advances

Ultra-simple expense report management
Easily switch from the paper age to the digital age
Find invoices for your business trips in one click
No more refunds for train tickets, airplane tickets, hotel reservations, etc.
No more errors in accounting lines
Save money by eliminating expense reports
Connect your accounting ERP with the Supertripper API

Make everyday life easier for all your teams by eliminating advance fees. Reduce your accounting burden by eliminating expense claims, automating payments and centralizing invoices.

With Supertripper, make everyday life easier for all your teams by eliminating advance expenses

From the elimination of expense reports to the automation of payments through the centralization of your invoices, reduce your management of business travel expenses and costs .

Supertripper allows you to fully manage your business travel strategy and automate all time-consuming tasks… all on a single platform! Track your travel expenses in real time, digitize and automate the management of expense reports directly on our Saas Travel & Expense software.

Our centralized billing solution makes business travel a lever for growth and engagement for the entire company.

avance note frais


Zero advance fees for travelers and therefore zero reimbursement


No unjustified or lost expense report, to avoid unnecessary stress


All invoices in one place to save time

The best travel expense management solution

Why is our digital solution the best business travel management tool on the market?

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A simple to use interface

A few seconds are enough to find the necessary information, whether it is an invoice or a reservation

interface gestion note frais 1

A tool designed to be efficient

Say goodbye to mileage claims, multiple bank cards and forgetting to pay.

controle depenses gestion note frais 1

A solution that offers more transparency

The prices displayed will be the same as those on your invoices. With Supertripper, no more hidden costs: you know the exact cost of your business trips.

securite donnees gestion note frais 1

A fully secure platform

All payments are protected, in the event of an erroneous charge. Tout like all user data.

Supertripper eliminates all
expense reports from your business trips

Our online solution is intuitive and comprehensive. It automates the entire accounting aspect of your business trips and therefore simplifies the daily administrative and financial management of your business.
Thanks to our integrated system, advance expenses are a distant memory. Each user is linked to your company’s account. At the time of booking, only the company’s account is debited.

Finance team side

Go for a smooth experience.

Spend less time checking payments and collecting expense reports. Focus fully on the most important tasks.
Become more productive by devoting yourself fully to your main tasks.

Traveler side

Avoid unnecessary stress

No more wasted time looking for the last expense report of your business trip. Only the financial department receives a detailed invoice for expenses with all the relevant information.
Be more serene: concentrate fully on your business meetings


Basé sur 274 avis
Thierry Mauborgne
25 July 2022
27 July 2022
Kaïs Ouasli
27 July 2022
Chloe Bouteille
27 July 2022
Ludovik Hartstein
24 July 2022
Romain Antunez
19 July 2022
Ons Khalfet
27 July 2022
laura ohana
23 July 2022

With Supertripper say goodbye to expense advances and reimbursements

Are you tired of chasing the receipts for reimbursement of your travel expenses? As of today, forget about advances and reimbursements for your professional trips! With the centralized payment system, employees no longer need to pay with their personal bank cards. All expenses are debited from the company’s account and withdrawals are automatic.

Each transaction is traceable in real time, from its validation to its integration into accounting. Thanks to our tool, you no longer run the risk of reimbursing fraudulent or excessive expense claims.

supression frais remboursement
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Dematerialized and centralized invoices for your business trips

Your 100% dematerialized invoices

With Supertripper, the processing of paper invoices disappears. They are all automatically generated by our technological solution and stored in your dedicated space to save you time.

All your bills in one place

On your invoicing tab, easily find all of your invoices thanks to the filters (by date, by cost center, by team, by type of reservation …). No more loss of invoices thanks to digital centralization!

Your simplified accounting management thanks to the analysis of your expenses at a glance

Access in real time to all expense reports submitted, validated and processed

Automate expense management for business travel expenses and say goodbye to manual, complex and costly processes. Your automated reporting is designed to improve the productivity of your finance teams.

Easily verify your payments, while reducing direct debit failures

With direct debit, you will no longer have payment problems. Reservations are prepaid. You simply receive a global invoice every two weeks with details of the expenses.

equipe finance gestion note frais
ERP suppression note frais solution expenses

Connect your usual accounting tools to the Supertripper solution

Synchronize Supertripper with your ERP such as cost centers or cost accounting. Navigate from one tool to another without losing any financial data. From the synchronization of employee data to the export of expenses, including the automatic recovery of invoices. Connectivity to our travel & expenses solution is almost endless!

Simplify your life with the convenience of our tool

No need to go through Excel tables to switch data from one accounting management tool to another. No more risk of data loss as well as tedious copy and paste.

FAQ : Expense reports

A expense report is a document prepared by an employee and submitted to the accounting department for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the purpose of a business assignment. It must contain the date, reason and nature of the expenses as well as the total amount.

To facilitate the management of business travel expenses it is advisable to adopt a solution that allows to :

  • centralize reservations, payments and billing
  • delete expense reports or automate their entry
  • track detailed expenses with customized reports

Supertripper is the best travel expense management solution thanks to :

  • a paperless policy with the elimination of expense reports
  • simple accounting management with a single bi-monthly invoice
  • easy visibility of expenses thanks to an ergonomic interface

The advantages of eliminating expense reports are :

  • the end of accounting entry errors
  • the end of expense advances for employees
  • simplification of accounting management processes with the centralization of payments and invoices
  • dematerialization of accounting documents

The Supertripper solution puts an end to the processing of expense reports by simplifying the management of travel expenses.

Users have an individual account on the Supertripper platform to make their reservations. This is linked to their company account which is debited after each reservation. This makes it possible to do away with expense reports and advances.

The Supertripper solution puts an end to the processing of expense reports by simplifying the management of travel expenses.

Users have an individual account on the Supertripper platform to make their reservations. This is linked to their company account which is debited after each reservation. This makes it possible to do away with expense reports and advances.

Deletion of professional expense notes and advances

The new generation business travel agency

gestion frais de deplacement