Terms of Sales
Please be aware that the following Terms and Conditions of Sales for Supertripper platform users is a translation of the original Terms and Conditions of Sales, which was initially written in French. While every effort has been made to provide an accurate and comprehensive translation, discrepancies or differences may exist between the translated version and the original French version. In the event of any conflict, contradiction, or discrepancy between the translations, the French version of the Terms and Conditions of Sales shall prevail and be considered authoritative. We recommend users to refer to the French version for the most accurate and legally binding document.
These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as the “GTC”) and pricing conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Pricing Conditions” for the Services) are published by SMART CITYVEST, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with share capital of 464,703.80 Euros, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 810 491 019 00024, whose registered office is located at 6 rue des Bateliers, 92110 Clichy (hereinafter, the “Service Provider” or “the Company”), whose intercommunity VAT number is FR65 810 491 019, which can be contacted on telephone number 01 42 70 35 14, or at the email address contact@supertripper.com, and duly represented by its Chairman, Mr. Maxime PIALAT. Maxime PIALAT.
The Company has created an online travel booking platform accessible at supertripper.com (the “Platform”) and which it operates in its own name via its SUPERTRIPPER service.
The Platform, the GTC and the corresponding general terms and conditions are intended for professional customers within the meaning of the French Consumer Code, consisting of both companies wishing to manage the reservations of their employees and benefit from a “multiple” account, as well as independent professionals wishing to manage their own reservations and benefit from a “single” account, it being specified that these two types of users use the services offered by the Platform as part of their commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity, including when they are acting in the name of, or on behalf of another professional;
(hereinafter, taken together and interchangeably, “the User(s)”).
The User uses the Platform to streamline the process of booking hotels and/or flights and/or trains and/or rental cars for his business needs.
The relationship between the User and the Service Provider (hereinafter referred to individually or collectively as the “Party(ies)”) is governed by these GTC
Prior information
SMART CITYVEST is a travel agency as defined by the French Tourism Code, registered under number IM09218007.
Financial guarantee underwritten by APST Paris.
Travel Agency Professional Liability Insurance: Hiscox RCP0289320
ARTICLE 1: Definitions
“Administrator”: means the User with administrative rights to the back office of the Platform.
“Website(s)” means the Website and its mobile version “Supertripper” offering the Services for computer, tablet or smartphone.
“GTC”: means the present general terms and conditions of sale.
“Collaborator(s)” means the person(s) for whom the Administrator makes Reservations via his/her “multiple” account or a person who makes Reservations on his/her behalf in a professional capacity
“Company(ies)”: refers to the airlines, railways and car rental companies with which the Service Provider has a contractual relationship and whose Flight and Train reservation service it offers to the User.
“Hotel(s)”: means the hotels with which the Provider has a contractual relationship and for which it offers to book Nights to the User, the Hotel(s) may be located in France or anywhere in the world.
“Registration”: means the registration of the User on the Platform, which implies that the User fills in the information essential to his Registration as described in Article 2 of the GTC.
“Overnight stay(s)”: means the night in a Hotel booked by the User on his behalf and/or on behalf of his Collaborators via the Platform.
“Platform”: means the platform owned and operated by the Provider in its own name allowing access to the Services and accessible at supertripper.com .
“Service(s)”: means the Overnight or Flight Service offered by a partner of the Company for which it is the intermediary.
“Reservation(s)”: refers, in general, to the booking of Flight and/or Overnight stay and/or Train and/or rental car by the User via the Platform.
“Services” means the services provided by the Provider and described in Article 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the T&Cs.
“User”: means the user of the Platform who is registered on the Platform, who accepts the T&Cs in accordance with Article 2, domiciled in France or outside France, and benefits from the Services offered by the Company.
“Flight(s)”: means the air travel that the User books through the Platform.
“Train(s)”: Refers to the train ride that User books through the Platform.
“Rental Car(s)”: Refers to the rental car that the User books through the Platform.
ARTICLE 2: Purpose / Acceptance of the GTC
The General Terms and Conditions and Pricing Conditions govern the relationship between the User and the Service Provider from the moment of registration on the Platform.
The Terms and Conditions apply to all reservations made through the Platform, and form an integral part of the contract between the Company and the User (hereinafter, the “Contract”).
The Company undertakes to make these terms and conditions as accessible, clear and comprehensible as possible, so as to enable their preservation and reproduction in accordance with Article 1127-1 of the French Civil Code.
The User undertakes to use the Services exclusively in the manner and within the limits agreed in the Contract.
The contractual information is presented in French and must be confirmed at the latest when the User validates the Reservation.
The User is hereby informed that the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Tariffs will be sent to him/her in pdf format in the e-mail confirming his/her Reservation to the e-mail address given at the time of Registration. The User expressly agrees to receive his invoice electronically, which constitutes a durable medium. The General Terms and Conditions and Pricing Conditions can be consulted on the Company’s website at the following link: https: //supertripper.com/fr/conditions-generales-vente/
The Company unilaterally reserves the right to modify the General Terms and Conditions, the Pricing Conditions and the rates applicable to any Reservation or any other use of the Services subsequent to such modification, provided that the User is given the opportunity to read them.
Registration on the Platform and use of the Services implies full and unreserved acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the related Pricing Conditions.
ARTICLE 3 : Access to the Platform
The User is granted access to the platform upon return of the duly signed membership form, which constitutes acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Pricing Conditions.
The User warrants to the Service Provider that the information provided by the User at the time of Registration is accurate, complete, regularly updated, does not infringe the rights of third parties and is not unlawful and/or contrary to public policy.
The User further undertakes to provide a valid e-mail address of which he is the real owner. Providing this information and keeping it up to date is one of the determining conditions of the right to use the Services.
The User undertakes to regularly use and consult his inbox (email), it being specified that any communication sent to the User at this email address by the Service Provider will be deemed notification within the meaning of the GTC and will be deemed to have been received and read by the User on the date it was sent. Should the information provided by the User at the time of Registration prove to be false, incomplete or obsolete, the Service Provider reserves the right, without compensation and without prior notice, to suspend or terminate the User’s account under the conditions set out in Article 15 of the GTC, without prejudice to any actions under common law that may be available to the Service Provider.
The User undertakes to keep his login and password strictly confidential, and not to communicate them to any third party. In the event of loss or theft of the User’s login and password, the User must notify the Service Provider, who will deactivate them and replace them with new ones as soon as possible.
ARTICLE 4 : Duration
The Contract between the User and the Company takes effect from the date of Registration, the User expressly acknowledging that his or her Registration constitutes the conclusion of the Contract with the Service Provider.
The Contract is concluded for an indefinite period, and may be terminated by either Party in accordance with the conditions specified in Article 15 of the GCS.
ARTICLE 5 : Description of the Reservation Services
5.1. Reservation Mode
From the time of Registration, the Service Provider provides the User with a reservation Service for Nights, Flights, Trains and Rental Cars available twenty-four hours a day (24/24), seven days a week (7), subject to maintenance operations.
The User is informed that the reservation is made via the Platform if he/she has subscribed to the “Essential” subscription and via 3 channels detailed below if he/she has subscribed to the “Premium” subscription. The Customer is hereby informed of the technical hazards that may affect these networks and lead to slowdowns or unavailability making access impossible, for which the Service Provider cannot be held responsible.
Reservation on the Platform:
This is the Reservation made directly on the Platform which allows the User to book Nights, Flights, Trains and/or Rental Cars via his User account.
To make a reservation, the User is invited to enter the following information on the Platform (i) the address of the place where he or she wishes to stay, (ii) date of arrival, (iii) its departure date, and (iv) the number of travelers and click on the “Search” tab.
This reservation mode allows the display of results corresponding to a list of Hotels, Flights, Trains and / or Rental Cars that best match the said criteria, specifying the conditions of a possible modification and / or cancellation of the reservation of the Night. In case of absence of Hotel, Flights, Train and / or Car rental corresponding to the criteria, the reservation mode automatically informs the User and suggests him to contact the customer service via the chat on the site or by email on contact@supertripper.com
Reservations by email:
This is an email center that allows the User to book Nights, Flights, Trains and/or Rental Cars by sending an email to the following address: reservation@supertripper.com. This reservation mode is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
The Company will use its best efforts to respond to the User’s request, which shall in no way be construed as an obligation of result.
Reservation by phone:
This is a call center that allows the User to reserve Nights by calling the following number: 01 42 89 39 09.
This reservation mode is open Monday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm.
The Company will use its best efforts to respond to the User’s request, which shall in no way be construed as an obligation of result.
5.2. Reservation Management
The User may book one or more Nights, Flights, Trains and/or Rental Cars, subject to the following deadlines:
Up to six (6) months in advance; By 11:59 p.m. on the same day at the latest.
It is specified that the Service Provider only undertakes to offer the User the Nights, Flights, Trains and/or Rental Cars available in the Hotels at the time of booking by the User.
By accepting the Hotel, Flight, Train and/or Rental Car offered by the Reservation Method, the User accepts the terms and conditions for modification and/or cancellation, which may be free of charge or subject to a charge depending on the offer selected. The Service Provider is in no way responsible for the determination of these terms and conditions and the possible consequences for the User.
The User will receive an e-mail confirming his/her Reservation at the e-mail address he/she provided when registering, including :
● The essential elements of the Reservation; The content of the Reservation (the services selected) ;
● The price of the Reservation;
● These General Terms and Conditions, Tariff Conditions and links to the General Terms and Conditions, if any, of the selected Hotel, Flight, Train and/or Rental Car(s).
● The Service Provider provides the User with access on the Platform to his/her Reservation history (the conditions of which are described in Article 6 of the GCS).
ARTICLE 6: Reservation back-office service
By registering on the Platform, the Administrator benefits from a back-office allowing him to control his Reservations.
He can add as many Users as he wishes by clicking on the “Collaborators” tab.
He/she is invited to fill in the following information about his/her Employee, in order to manage the latter’s Reservations:
● Full name;
● Email address;
● Its associated billing;
● Its administration rights, allowing this Collaborator to connect or not
on his account, at the Administrator’s option.
● Its address and phone number;
● Its travel policy.
The Platform also allows you to consult all the Reservations you have made since registering.
Administrators can also download billing information in pdf format.
The Administrator can also fill in his credit card details. All payments due for Reservations will be automatically centralized on this bank card and invoices issued at the end of each Reservation.
The Administrator can also specify the billing entities for Reservations, by entering (optionally) :
● Company Name;
● SIRET number;
● Share capital.
As well as (optionally) :
● Cost Center;
● Address, city.
The User can also access a report on all Bookings made on the Platform.
ARTICLE 7 : Cancellation and modification of Reservations
7.1. Cancellation or modification of an overnight stay
Any request for cancellation of the Reservation is made on the Platform (or by email or telephone for Premium packages).
If the reservation is cancelable, a “cancel” button will appear to the right of the reservation in the “reservation” tab. When the user clicks on the “cancel” button, he/she will see the amount refunded if he/she confirms the cancellation before confirming. If the user confirms, then he/she irrevocably accepts the cancellation, with the refund conditions displayed.
The User is informed that the cancellation of the Reservation may involve the payment of compensation and/or additional costs to the supplier, which may sometimes amount to the total amount of the Reservation. Cancellation terms depend solely on the supplier selected, and the Company cannot guarantee any partial, full or automatic refund to the User.
If the supplier allows, any modification of the Overnight Reservation, the price of the subsequent new Reservation could be higher than the initial price of the modified Reservation.
Payment/refund terms are described in the Tariff Conditions.
With regard to flights, the terms of cancellation depend solely on the Company concerned, and the Company cannot guarantee any partial, full or automatic refund to the User. If the Company grants a refund for a cancellation, the User is informed that administrative fees may be due to the Company under the conditions defined in the Fare Conditions. Refunds for the cancellation of a Reservation will only be made with the express agreement of the Company. In the event of a refund granted by the latter, the amounts paid at the time of the initial Reservation will be credited back to the User’s bank account. Similarly, if the Company permits, in the event of a change to the Flight Reservation, the price of the subsequent new Reservation may be higher than the initial price of the modified Reservation.
Payment/refund terms are described in the Tariff Conditions.
ARTICLE 8 : Terms of referencing, dereferencing and ranking of Flights, Trains, Rental Cars and Hotels
8.1. Hotel Ranking
When displaying the results after a search, the User is hereby duly informed that the Hotels are referenced and classified on the Platform according to :
● the geolocation of the Hotel, it being specified that the Hotel closest to the address provided by the User will be the first one displayed in the list of results;
● the travel policy informed on the Employee.
The User is also duly informed that the Hotel offers are dereferenced from the Platform in two cases:
● the Hotel decides, of its own accord, not to offer an Overnight stay ;
● the Hotel is fully booked and is not able to accommodate the Reservation;
● the Hotel is no longer contractually bound by a partnership with the Company.
8.2. Classification of Flights and/or Trains
When results are displayed after a search, the User is hereby duly informed that the results are referenced and classified on the Platform according to the information communicated by the User during the search.
The User is also duly informed that the offers of Flights, Trains, and Rental Cars are dereferenced from the Platform in three cases:
● the supplier decides, of its own accord, not to offer;
● the Flight/Train is fully booked, the plane or train is no longer able to accommodate the Reservation;
● the supplier is no longer contractually bound by a partnership with the Company.
8.3. Classification of the cars
When displaying the results after a search, the User is hereby duly informed that the Cars are referenced and classified on the Platform according to :
● information provided by the User during his search (reception and return in the same agency, reception and return in two different agencies, vehicle category) ;
● in the absence of specific information from the User, or if the User has clicked on “See all cars”, the ranking is done according to the price of the car (in ascending order)
The User is also duly informed that Car offers are dereferenced from the Platform in three cases:
● the Company decides, of its own accord, not to offer Cars;
● the Company has no more Cars available;
● the Company is no longer contractually bound by a partnership with the Company.
ARTICLE 9 : Right of withdrawal
The professional User within the meaning of the Consumer Code does not benefit from the right of withdrawal. Similarly, and in accordance with article L. 221-28 1° of the French Consumer Code, the consumer User is duly informed by the present GTC that the Reservations offered on the Platform are not subject to the right of withdrawal.
The terms and conditions for cancellation and refund of Reservations are therefore governed by these Fare Terms and Conditions and by the general terms and conditions of the Hotels and Companies.
ARTICLE 10 : Financial conditions
10.1. Registration fee
The Services and Registration are accessible through monthly subscriptions of several levels (hereinafter, the “Subscriptions”) described in the document: “Pricing Conditions”.
10.2. Terms of payment for the Services
To consult the rates and payment methods for (1) Subscriptions and (2) Reservations, please consult the following document: “Pricing conditions”.
ARTICLE 11: Intellectual Property
All elements included on the Platform (hereinafter, the “Elements”), including but not limited to trademarks, images, logos, illustrations, photos, texts, the domain name, are the exclusive property of the Company.
These Elements are protected by French and international intellectual property law.
The use of the Platform does not grant the User any right to the Company’s Elements, its licensors or owners. The User is expressly prohibited from copying, modifying, improving, editing, translating, decompiling or creating a derivative work of the Materials without the Company’s prior express consent. Similarly, User is expressly prohibited from attempting to find the source code, reverse engineer, sell, assign, sublicense or transfer in any way all or part of the Platform.
Any reproduction, representation, exploitation, of any kind whatsoever, for any purpose whatsoever, of all or part of the Elements of the Platform without the prior written authorization of the Company constitute acts of infringement that are criminally and civilly reprehensible.
It is also recalled that SUPERTRIPPER is an international trademark registered under number 1384830 in classes 9, 35, 38, 39, 41 and 43. Any use of this brand, in any manner whatsoever, and in any medium whatsoever, requires the prior and express consent of the Company.
ARTICLE 12: Personal data
The Provider undertakes to comply with its obligations under the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 as well as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data.
The Provider undertakes to process the User’s personal data exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services, and to take all appropriate technical and organizational measures necessary to preserve the confidentiality, security and integrity of such data.
The User may exercise his or her rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition at the following e-mail address: contact@supertripper.com, to which the Company undertakes to reply within two (2) weeks.
For more information on the Privacy Policy adopted by the Company, we invite the User to consult the following link: https://supertripper.com/confidentialite.
ARTICLE 13 : Exclusion of liability
The Provider undertakes to comply with its obligations under the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 as well as the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data.
The Provider undertakes to process the User’s personal data exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services, and to take all appropriate technical and organizational measures necessary to preserve the confidentiality, security and integrity of such data.
The User may exercise his or her rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition at the following e-mail address: contact@supertripper.com, to which the Company undertakes to reply within two (2) weeks.
For more information on the Privacy Policy adopted by the Company, we invite the User to consult the following link: https: //supertripper.com/fr/politique-confidentialite/.
13.1. Exclusion of liability for the Services
The User is hereby duly informed that the Company does not offer, own or control any of the services relating to Hotels and Flights, as well as accommodation options, stays or travel insurance, all of which are exclusively owned and controlled by the Hotels and Companies. The Company is in reality only an intermediary between the User and the Hotels/Companies.
Therefore, the User undertakes to read the general terms and conditions of sale and privacy policies of the Hotels and Companies before making any Reservation, and to confirm them by ticking the relevant box.
Furthermore, it is expressly agreed that, as an intermediary, the Company shall not be liable in any way:
● the content of the Hotels and Flights, including the speed of publication;
● the prices posted by the Hotels and Companies, the latter evolving in a continuous way according to the devices set up by the Hotel or the Company as well as any additional charges (checked baggage, service charges, etc.). It is the User’s responsibility to check the prices and the conditions of reservation and purchase of hotels and flights;
● general cancellation or no-show conditions, specific to each Hotel and Company. The User is reminded that links to the general terms and conditions of the Hotels and Companies are transferred in the confirmation email of the Reservation; the User is also informed that certain fees, special offers or rates, depending on the Hotel or Company, may not be refunded. Likewise, certain Reservations for similar or identical reasons may be subject to change.
The User is duly invited to consult the general conditions of the Hotels and Companies before making any Reservation.
Generally, the Provider shall only be liable for direct damages resulting from a breach of any of its obligations hereunder or any other contractual document.
In the event that the Provider breaches its obligations under the Agreement causing damage to the User, the Provider’s liability shall be limited to a sum corresponding to the price of the Services, excluding taxes, paid by the User for the twelve (12) months preceding the event giving rise to liability.
It is expressly agreed between the Parties that the Provider shall not be liable for the following damages (without this list being exhaustive):
● Loss of profit related to a commercial prejudice of any nature such as for example loss of order, loss of exploitation, loss of customer, loss of turnover, or related to expected savings ;
● Inaccuracies related to information provided by the Hotel or Company, including their rates, schedules, services or products offered;
● Cancellation (even partial) or delay of Flight, strike, case of force majeure, as any other element independent of the Provider’s will ;
● Bodily injury, death, property damage due to a failure of the Hotel or the Company or one of our partners.
The User acknowledges and agrees that the Provider is not responsible for the actions of the Hotel and/or the Company and therefore expressly waives any claim against the Provider for the services provided by the Hotel and/or the Company.
13.2. Functioning of the Platform
The User declares that he/she is fully aware of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, in particular the variable costs of operators and connection methods, which are the sole responsibility of the User, the response times for operations carried out via the mobile network and the Internet, the fact that data circulating on the mobile network and the Internet are not necessarily protected against misappropriation or viruses, and may be regulated in terms of use or protected by property rights, and that the mobile network and, more generally, the Internet, require compliance with the rules applicable in the country where the information is consulted or transmitted.
The Company recommends the User to have a fast connection. The Provider declines any responsibility for slow loading / downloading due to the Internet network and/or the provision of Internet access or mobile network of the User. The Company is not able to guarantee the continuity of the services of the Platform via the Internet and the mobile network, which the User hereby expressly acknowledges, and shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, obstacle or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular any interruption of service, external intrusion or presence of computer viruses, these situations being deemed to be cases of force majeure.
ARTICLE 14 : Cancellation / Unsubscription
In the event of serious and/or repeated failure by the Provider to comply with its obligations hereunder, which is not remedied within thirty (30) calendar days of a formal notice to remedy, sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the User may automatically terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to any damages to which it may be entitled.
In the event of serious and/or repeated failure by the User to comply with the obligations set forth herein, and in particular Article 10 and the Pricing Conditions, which is not remedied within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of a formal notice to remedy the same sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the Service Provider may automatically terminate this Agreement, without prejudice to any damages that it may claim.
The User may, at any time, proceed to unsubscribe from the Platform, by writing to the Company at the following address Smart Cityvest, 6 rue des Bateliers, 92110 Clichy or via the email support@supertripper.com . It is understood that in the event of deregistration, the current invoices are due to the Company.
Unsubscribing from the Platform does not prevent you from requesting the creation of a new User account, and using the features again, it being specified that the data previously uploaded to the Platform will not be recovered.
All limitations of warranty and liability set forth in these T&Cs shall survive termination or deregistration hereunder.
ARTICLE 15: Force majeure
Neither Party shall be held liable in the event of non-performance or delay in performance of one or more obligations arising from the Contract, due directly or indirectly to a case of force majeure as defined by Article 1218 of the Civil Code, provided that the Party affected by the case of force majeure informs the other Party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within eight (8) days of the occurrence of the case of force majeure.
The performance of the obligations under the Contract shall be suspended as long as the case of force majeure persists. However, if the impossibility of performance or the delay in performance continues beyond a period of one (1) month from the aforementioned notification, either Party may terminate the Contract with immediate effect by written notification, without either Party being entitled to claim any compensation.
ARTICLE 16 : Subcontracting - Assignment
The User is informed and accepts that the Services are subcontracted in whole or in part by the Provider, under the responsibility of the latter.
Neither Party shall be entitled to assign its status as a party to the Contract, except with the express prior written consent of the other Party. Any assignment of party status to the Contract shall be made under the conditions of Articles 1216 to 1216-3 of the Civil Code.
ARTICLE 17: Final Stipulations
The Agreement expresses the entire agreement of the Parties as of the date of its execution. It supersedes any previous agreement, letter, offer or other document having the same purpose. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be made by a written amendment mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
Validity of clauses.
If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid in whole or in part, the remainder of that provision and/or the other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
In this case, the Parties will have to negotiate a new legal clause, by way of an amendment, which is valid and possible to implement, and which comes as close as possible to their intention as defined in the original clause.
Any waiver by either Party of the existence or total or partial breach of any provision of the Agreement, regardless of the duration thereof, shall not constitute a modification or deletion of such provision or a waiver by such Party of any prior, concurrent or subsequent breach of the same or other provisions.
Difficulties of interpretation.
In the event of any difficulty of interpretation between any of the headings in the clauses and any of the clauses, the headings shall be declared
The Provider is authorized to quote the User’s company name, logo and type of reference in its commercial promotion. The Service Provider undertakes to reproduce the User’s company trademarks without making any changes to them that could damage them.
Permanence of obligations.
Obligations intended to survive shall survive the termination of the Contract, for whatever reason, and shall continue in effect after the termination of the Contract.
Independence of the Parties.
The Parties do not have an “affectio societatis” and the Agreement shall not be construed as creating any entity with legal personality, in any capacity whatsoever, between the Parties.
Election of domicile.
For the performance of the Contract, each of the Parties shall elect domicile at its registered office indicated at the head of the Contract. Any modification of this information will only be opposable to the other Party after receipt of a notification by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
ARTICLE 18: Disputes and jurisdiction
The General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Tariffs are subject to the application of French law.
In case of difficulties in the application of the present GTC, the complaints or contestations will always be received with attentive benevolence at the email address: contact@supertripper.com, the good faith being always presumed in the one who takes the trouble to expose his situations. In the event of a dispute, the User shall first contact the Company to obtain an amicable solution.
It is reminded that as a general rule, subject to the appreciation of the Courts, compliance with the provisions of the GTC and Tariff Conditions relating to the contractual guarantee assumes that the User honors his financial commitments to the Company. In the absence of an amicable agreement between the Parties via one of these voluntary procedures, the Company may choose either one of the competent jurisdictions under the Code of Civil Procedure, or the jurisdiction of the place where it resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the harmful event.
Last version of the GTC: January 1ᵉʳ, 2024